José Manuel Gomez

Born in 1940 in Fuente Obejuna in the province of Cordoba, Spain, José Manuel Gomez grew up in a family of veterinarians. He was more artistically inclined and decided, at the age of 17, to move to the city of Córdoba to follow this path.
In 1964, he moved to Paris where he devoted himself fully to painting. A year later, the artist participated in his first group exhibition in Vannes, Brittany. In 1973, he returned to his native country, Fuengirola, where he settled with his family.
During his years in France, he met Yves Rocher, founder of the famous cosmetics brand, who became his Pygmalion. José Manuel Gomez’s art evolved from abstraction to realism and even surrealism, with a very “Dutch” approach to light.
Yves Rocher’s private collection, acquired in the 1980s, is now on display at the Château de Charleval in a very symbolic place: the bedroom of M. Bonnefoy, the owner who built the château in the mid-19th century for his beloved.

Season of heaven

17 juillet



Château Charleval accueille l’exposition « Seasons of heaven », qui réunit les deux artistes, Aurélia Rocher et Joanna Cutri. Céramiques et toiles contemporaines se répondent et questionnent notre lien à la Mémoire et la Nature.